As you know, divorce is exhausting, upsetting and disruptive, especially when children are involved. Divorce may also cause uncertainty, as each parent wonders how best to protect their kids. It can be tempting to relax your stance on seeking joint parenting time and...
Ohio Family Lawyer
Here to Fight For You
Month: August 2023
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3 things that children need to thrive during and after divorce
One of the biggest concerns that people voice when contemplating a divorce is that they worry about how it will affect their children. It is common knowledge that divorce can lead to depression, poor academic performance and social withdrawal for the children in a...
What happens if you mix separate and marital property?
Whether an asset is classified as marital or separate is crucial to the division process phase of divorce proceedings. Separate property remains untouched, while marital assets are divided equitably between the divorcing couple. But what happens if there is a mix-up...