Whether it’s your first or third, divorce can be nerve-racking, to say the least. With so much to take care of, it is extremely important that you get every component of your divorce right. Fortunately, you can take steps to ensure that you properly prepare for your...
Ohio Family Lawyer
Here to Fight For You
Month: December 2023
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Do grandparents have visitation rights in Ohio?
Grandparents often have a lot of time, love and energy to offer their grandchildren – and they can be huge sources of familial support for their adult children as they navigate the trials of parenthood. Unfortunately, grandparents sometimes find themselves cut out of...
3 tips for long-distance co-parenting
When parents go through a divorce, they don’t always remain in the same place. When one parent moves, there’s a new dynamic that has to be considered. Everyone must adjust to not living in the same home or even the same city. Long-distance co-parenting isn’t easy for...