Divorce is challenging for everyone involved, often especially when children are in the picture. For example, fathers may worry about their rights and what they can do to help ensure that they remain integral to their children’s lives. Whether you are concerned about...
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Child Custody
3 elements of grandparents’ visitation rights
When couples get divorced, grandparents are often worried about access to their grandchildren. They may be afraid that they won’t see the children anymore, or that they won’t see them as much as they would like. It’s not that the grandparents are trying to seek full...
How do courts decide what is in a child’s best interests?
Some couples are able to work together when it comes to child custody decisions. They may even create a custody schedule, and then the court can approve it. This helps the process go relatively smoothly, and the parents can divide both physical and legal custody....
3 things children need to thrive during and after divorce
Few things make people more emotional than issues that involve their children. The average parent who wants to give their children a better life than they experienced, often by providing both emotional support and financial resources for their children. When parents...
Are fathers at a disadvantage during custody proceedings?
As a dad going through a custody battle in Ohio, it’s natural to wonder if the system is stacked against you. This could be due to the historical perception that fathers are at a disadvantage during custody proceedings or the stories you’ve heard. Fortunately, a...
Don’t let co-parenting disputes get in the way of summer camp
Most every child at some point asks their parents if they can go to summer camp. They may have heard stories from friends or classmates about a place in the mountains or on a lake. They may want to attend a day camp so they have something to do all summer. Some kids...
The best interests of the child standard in Ohio
One vital family law issue that the family courts address in Ohio is child custody. The court will rule upon matters relating to the physical custody of the child (where the child lives) and legal custody (key decision regarding the child’s well-being). For the most...
Do Ohio judges ever grant one parent sole custody?
When parents talk about custody in Ohio, what they usually refer to is parenting time. They want legal permission to spend liberal amounts of time with their children even after a divorce and want to know the other parent cannot interfere. For most families, a...
Do grandparents have visitation rights in Ohio?
Grandparents often have a lot of time, love and energy to offer their grandchildren – and they can be huge sources of familial support for their adult children as they navigate the trials of parenthood. Unfortunately, grandparents sometimes find themselves cut out of...
3 tips for long-distance co-parenting
When parents go through a divorce, they don’t always remain in the same place. When one parent moves, there’s a new dynamic that has to be considered. Everyone must adjust to not living in the same home or even the same city. Long-distance co-parenting isn’t easy for...