One of the first rules of parenting is that you have to meet your own basic needs if you want to really be present for your children. It can be hard enough to make time for yourself when you share a home with the other parent. When you separate, that leaves everything...
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Year: 2021
The importance of virtual visitation rights for divorced parents
If your job takes you away from home frequently or for long periods, your co-parent likely has primary or perhaps even sole residential custody of your children. That makes your visitation time with them all the more critical to your relationship. Fortunately, parents...
Co-parenting is not a competition
You want to be the best parent you can be to your child, and so does your ex. That is great. However, you need to ensure that you compete against yourself, not them. Competitiveness can be a healthy attribute. For example, a group of athletes going to the Olympics who...
Co-parents need to prepare for the holiday season
The holiday season is one that’s special for many families. For those who are going through a divorce, it can be a challenging time, especially if they have children. The parenting time schedule should cover these holidays. If this is your first holiday season since...
3 ways to improve your finances after divorce
Often, finances can play a large part in the build-up to a divorce. Financial worries may not completely go away after a divorce, either. However, there are certain methods that can be applied to make your financial circumstances better. Outlined below are three ways...
What is parental alienation, and how might it impact custody rights?
Splitting up with your partner or spouse can be emotionally and mentally draining. Doing so when you have minor children can take things to a whole new level. The stress that comes with not being able to be involved in your child's life as often as you may like can be...
How do I know if my spouse is hiding assets as we divorce?
Property division talks are some of the more contentious matters you may have to deal with as you divorce. A spouse's attempt to hide assets can make matters far worse, though. Spouses who do hide assets generally do so because they can't fathom turning over assets to...
What if you are too busy with work to prepare for your divorce?
Your spouse has filed for divorce. They claim the real love of your life is your business, and you treat them as an afterthought. As a professional, you know the importance of preparing for a presentation. If you leave it to the last minute or turn up at the meeting...
Involved fathers make a massive difference in their children’s lives
As a child grows up, one of the biggest influences on his or her life will be the child’s father. It’s hard to understate how important a father is to a young child. The difference that an involved father can make in a child’s growth and development is massive. It’s...
What are “the best interests of the child” in Ohio?
Your relationship with your child is precious -- but you’re worried about how your divorce will affect that relationship in the future. Will you get shared parenting, or will you be relegated to visitation only? Unless you and your co-parent can agree on an...