Ohio Family Lawyer
Here to Fight For You

Ohio Child Custody FAQ

For 25 years, we at The Law Offices of Shelly L. Kennedy have advised and represented clients in complex matters of child custody. If you have specific questions about your case, we recommend contacting an attorney at our firm as soon as possible.

Following are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear with regard to custody and parenting time in Ohio.

What Is Joint Custody?

In Ohio, joint custody is known as shared parenting. That generally means that both parents are considered to be residential parents of the minor child, and both parents share equally in decision-making for the minor child. Shared parenting is an increasingly common feature of parenting plan agreements in Ohio, as children generally benefit the most when both parents play a positive role in the child’s life. Keep in mind, though, that every family is different and every child is unique, so your parenting plan should take that into account. Joint custody is appropriate in many situations, but not in all. If you have questions or concerns about a particular type of parenting plan, we encourage you to contact us for a consultation.

Can A Parent Be Denied Visitation For Failing To Pay Child Support?

No. If visitation is denied by one parent because the other parent has not paid child support, the parent who denies the visitation could be held in contempt of court. Child support and parenting time are two distinct issues. Visitation / custody should not be denied for failure to pay child support.

Can Grandparents Get Custody And Visitation Rights?

Yes, grandparents can seek child custody or visitation rights. In many families, grandparents are extremely important in the upbringing of a child, particularly if one or both parents are not able to properly care for the child. However, to establish grandparents’ custody or visitation rights, the legal standard is high. If you are a grandparent seeking custody or visitation rights, it is important to seek legal guidance rather than trying to navigate the legal process alone. Please see our overview of grandparents’ rights to learn more.

Can A Child Custody Arrangement Be Modified?

Child custody can be modified if the court determines that: 1) a change in circumstances warrants a modification, and 2) the proposed modification is in the best interest of the child. As with any child custody matter, it is a good idea to speak with an experienced family law attorney before seeking a modification of child custody or child support.

Call Us In Sandusky At 419-719-5245

At The Law Offices of Shelly L. Kennedy, Ltd., we advise and represent parents throughout north central Ohio. To schedule a consultation regarding child custody or another family law matter, please contact us today.